
How to register


​Registrations for the 2024 Premier's Reading Challenge are now open! 

There are changes to this year's program for schools and centres, please read the appropriate information kit for details. ​

There are 3 types of registration, find out more below:

School registration

How to participate in the Premier's Reading Challenge

A school registration is for Prep to Year 9 students whose participation is managed by a PRC school coordinator on behalf of a school. The PRC school coordinator will:

  • register the school and classes participating in the challenge in the PRC database
  • delegate a teacher to coordinate each class (optional)
  • pass PRC information on to all classroom teachers
  • make available a school reader record form for each participating student
  • assist teachers to collate data from the record forms and enter into the PRC database
  • submit student reading achievements from the record forms into the PRC database and order Certificates of Achievement by Friday 6 September 2024.

When a school and class have been registered by the PRC school coordinator they can delegate a class to an individual class teacher.

Please ensure you read the school information kit before registering.

Register your school.

Individual reader registration

An individual reader is a Prep to Year 9 student who is home-educated or whose school is not participating in the PRC. Before registering as an individual reader, students should ensure that their school is not participating in the challenge. An individual reader registration requires the parent/guardian to be the main contact for all PRC correspondence. Parents/guardians will:

  • register their child on the PRC database
  • download and assist their child to complete an individual reader record form
  • enter child’s data from their reader record form into the PRC database and preview Certificates of Achievement by Friday 6 September 2024.

Please ensure you read the individual reader information kit before registering.

Register as an individual reader.

Early childhood centre registration

An early childhood centre registration is for early childhood centres and programs and is managed by a PRC coordinator on behalf of a centre. The PRC coordinator will:​

  • register the centre to participate in the challenge in the PRC database
  • select which week (7 day period) to run the challenge in their centre during the early childhood participation weeks from 12 to 23 August 2024
  • download the wall chart to tally books
  • pass PRC information on to all room coordinators
  • submit reading achievements into the PRC database and order Certificates of Achievement by Friday 6 September 2024.

Please ensure you read the early childhood information kit​ before registering.

Register your centre.

The department, as the PRC organiser, often works with third party providers, which may involve disclosing personal information to those parties.

Due to the high volume of reader entrants in the PRC, the department utilises a third party organisation (Median Technologies Pty Ltd) to record participation and distribute certificates. Personal information required is school and centre staff names, their work email addresses and school or centre postal addresses. For individual reader registrants only: parent/carer names, email addresses, postal address and child's name are required in order to print and post certificates. This information will be stored securely.

This information is collected and disclosed to Median Technologies and held for a period of 1 year in their online database which is based in Australia (using local Microsoft Azure Cloud Services). Any data held by Median Technologies is deleted within 1 year after the PRC is completed.​​​

Last updated 10 June 2024