Official sponsors

Media partner
Partner with the Premier's Reading Challenge
The Premier's Reading Challenge is an annual statewide initiative for state and non-state schools, home-educated students up to Year 9 and children attending an early childhood centre.
Since 2006, the challenge has aimed to improve literacy and encourage children to engage in reading for learning and pleasure.
Becoming a corporate partner
The Premier's Reading Challenge provides your organisation the opportunity to partner with a key event on the Queensland education calendar.
As a partner, you'll receive direct exposure and engagement with children and their families across Queensland. Each year, more than 160,000 young Queenslanders from Prep to Year 9 take part in the challenge through their school, early childhood centre or as an individual.
Our goal is to welcome new readers and to continue to build on the incredibly number of books read statewide.
The challenge allows your organisation to demonstrate its support for an initiative that is helping to improve literacy skills amongst young people.
Examples of the types of benefits available to you as a corporate partner include:
- acknowledgement as an organisation that is helping to improve literacy amongst young Queenslanders
- brand exposure on a number of key communications, including
- the poster that is physically mailed out to around 5,000 Queensland schools, early childhood centres and libraries as part of the information kit
- the Premier's Reading Challenge website with a hyperlink to your website
- the certificate of achievement (signed by the Queensland Premier) that is physically mailed out to schools and individual readers for distribution to approximately 115,000 students
- the electronic certificate of participation that is available to be downloaded from the Premier's Reading Challenge website
- other promotional/communication materials where possible (for example: media releases).
- inclusion of a promotional insert sent out to schools
- opportunity to present or offer a prize to participating schools or students.
Our Community Engagement and Partnerships team welcomes the chance to explore creative ways for you to get the most from your investment in this important literacy program.
To find out more or to discuss how partnering with this education initiative can help support your business objectives, please contact:
Sponsorship Officer
Strategic Communication and Engagement
Phone: (07) 3513 6665